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Her vil jeg publisere og skrive om viner jeg mener kan være til glede for flere og dele videre av hva en enkel amatør mener er gode kjøp av kvalitetsvin, samt at det vil komme anbefalinger på gode viner for lengre lagring.

onsdag 14. oktober 2015

2007 El Vinculo Reserva, Alejandro Fernándrez

Spanish red with moderat oak, but with a bad sting of alcohol.

This wine was recommended by TaxFree personnel at Gardermoen Airport.

He promised a good wine, without the Spanish traditionell over-oaked taste.  I grabbed two bottles, but forgot to check the alcohol. This wine have over 15 % vol. and not according to my preferences. 

Color: Deep dark red to blue and impervious.
Nose: Blackcurrant and herbs. Smell of alcohol is disturbing otherwise  nice bouqett already in the nose. 
Taste: Nice ripe and cold berries with paprika and leather. Tannins are well integrated, but this wine is total out of balance as a bad alcohol sting hits you in the mouth.

Tested at home in Lier Friday, 9th October 2015
85/100 points.
Available at TaxFree Gardermoen to the price of NOK 179,90

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