Velkommen til min vinblogg med utvalgte smaksnotater fra egen vinkjeller, skrevet av en amatør som har vin og vinsmaking som hobby.
Her vil jeg publisere og skrive om viner jeg mener kan være til glede for flere og dele videre av hva en enkel amatør mener er gode kjøp av kvalitetsvin, samt at det vil komme anbefalinger på gode viner for lengre lagring.

Rangering av vin

The 100 points scale
Wine Rating Assistant

In terms of awarding points, Robert Parker's scoring system gives every wine a base of 50 points. The wine's general color and appearance merit up to 5 points. Since most wines today are well made, thanks to modern technology and the increased use of professional oenologists, they tend to receive at least 4, often 5 points. The aroma and bouquet merit up to 15 points, depending on the intensity level and dimension of the aroma and bouquet as well as the cleanliness of the wine. The flavor and finish merit up to 20 points, and again, intensity of flavor, balance, cleanliness, and depth and length on the palate are all important considerations when giving out points. Finally, the overall quality level or potential for further evolution and improvement—ageing—merits up to 10 points.

So, to sum up:

Basic start point: 50 points
Color: 5 points
Bouquet/aroma:15 points
Flavour: 20 points
Overall quality: 10 points
Total: 100 points

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